On Fri, 2009-04-24 at 08:46 -0300, Marcio Merlone wrote:
> Hi,
> I have set a dovecot-1:1.0.10-1ubuntu5.1 server on top of a Ubuntu 8.04 
> LTS box and everything goes fine. All my users are on a LDAP database 
> integrated via nss_ldap, so from the dovecot point of view they are all 
> local system users. Now I want to set maildir quota for everybody, and 
> was wondering if I could store quota limits per user on LDAP.

Yes, as long as you're using userdb ldap instead of doing it via NSS.

> As I read on http://wiki.dovecot.org/Quota/Dict, there seem to be no way 
> to do that, am I right? 

Dict quota is about where to store the actual current quota usage. You
can't store it in LDAP, but you can store the limits in LDAP.

> It is ok for me to manage the current usage on 
> Maildir++, but would like to retrieve the quota information from the 
> LDAP server.


> What do you guys recommend? Thanks in advance for any hint or rtfm.

See the LDAP section in http://wiki.dovecot.org/Quota/1.0

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