At 05:11 PM 4/30/2009, Timo Sirainen wrote:
Oh, actually both passdb and userdb query. passdb for imap/pop and
userdb for deliver.

> to have it return a
> standardized case of the username. The easiest change would be
> auth_username_format = %Lu

This would work with both of them anyway.

Since my dovecot-sql.conf files (which I believe contain my userdb and passdb sql queries) between my dev and prod environments are identical, then the difference between production and dev must be somewhere else.

The above should provide me with a fix, so thanks! But for the moment I can't test the fix in a preproduction environment until I can figure out where in that environment it's broken, since it's not failing in preproduction.

Again thanks. Maybe it's in my postfix config somewhere. . .


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