On Mon, 2009-05-18 at 01:24 +0200, Robert Schetterer wrote:
> ok for me, but one problem stays,  rawlog behavior changed in 1.2 during
> updates
> it should prefer home setting in plugin section ( as before )
> and dont use home info from i.e sql, but that maybe related to
> namespace_1 settings in sql for use with virtual plugin now

Fields returned from userdb have always overridden settings from plugin
section. There hasn't been any kind of a change in Dovecot's behavior
here. I guess you could have changed your settings though..

> but what makes me wonder was , that rawlog does not ignore of double
> slashes to directory statements, after all not big stuff, just was
> a little bit strange during debug testing configs

Where does it use double slashes? You mean something
like /home/xyz//dovecot.rawlog? Yeah, it doesn't drop the trailing /
from home directory, but then again home directory shouldn't really even
have a trailing /.

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