On Wed, 2009-05-27 at 14:02 -0400, dove...@corwyn.net wrote:
> At 01:49 PM 5/27/2009, Rick Romero wrote:
> >>But what it sounds like you're saying is that there's no good way to
> >>run dovecot so that if the single server it's on fails I can keep
> >>service availability?
> >
> >If you have 2 dovecot servers with your mailboxes stored on a SAN
> >(over NFS), you can front your 2 dovecot machines with a load balancer
> >like UltraMonkey (LHA/Heartbeat).
> Would this mean I would configure two identical dovecot systems, and 
> point them both at the same SAN space? (so instead of having a 
> "clustered" environment both instances of dovecot are just using 
> shared filespace?)  Isn't there a risk there of both dovecot 
> instances writing a file/email with the same filename?

If you don't necessarily need load-balancing to multiple servers, it
should be faster and more reliable to use active/passive and some
(automated) failover between them. If you use active/active servers, you
either need some clustered filesystem (not that efficient) or NFS (kind
of sucks too).

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