On Tue, 2009-05-19 at 10:02 +0800, wallace0615 wrote:
> I compared the data that using the two way to send, and found the reason:
> use outlook and foxmail: at the beginning of the eamil data is "From 
> zxjteacher_SP_LZU <zxjteacher_sp_...@myserver>";
> and if I telnet host 25 to send the mail: at the beginning of the eamil data 
> is "From <zxjteacher_sp_...@myserver>",
> so I delete "zxjteacher_SP_LZU", dovecot read it out.

What exactly do you mean by the above? Do you mean the mbox's "From "
line separator is different with them or that you have the mbox "From "
line and also the above line? Copy&paste a full example?

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