Guy schrieb:
> Hi guys,
> I'm looking at the possibility of running a pair of servers with
> Dovecot LDA/imap/pop3 using internal drives with DRBD and GFS (or
> other clustered FS) for the mail storage and ext3 for the root drive.
> I'm currently using maildrop for delivery and Dovecot imap/pop3 with
> the stores over NFS. I'm looking for better performance but still
> keeping the HA element I have now with shared storage over NFS.
> Has anyone had experience with a setup like the one I'm suggesting?
> What was performance like with Dovecot using GFS?
> Thanks
> Guy
i tested
DRBD with ocfs
which works nice, also did tests with linux ha

perhaps this helps

cant get GFS run on ubuntu ( maybe my fault )

didnt test dovecot and postfix setup implemented in the ha-lb-cluster
yet ( but ocfs was reported to work nice with dovecot deliver as far i
remember), i used only apache http service for testing, but that worked nice
in a vmware testing field with 4 servers ( 2 redundant loadbalancer and
2 Ha Servers )

Best Regards

MfG Robert Schetterer


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