Odhiambo ワシントン wrote:
I have a question about migration from courier-imap.

I have a server running courier-imap which I'd like to change to dovecot.
The problem at hand is that there are POP3 users as well as IMAP4 users.Some
of the POP3 users have the option to "leave a copy of the message on the
server" set in their MuAs.

Is it possible to migrate from courier-imap --> Dovecot and not have these
people re fetching all their old e-mails all over again?

I thought this one was fairly well covered in the Migration docs in the wiki... IIRC it has to do with uid format.


Aside from the warning at the top about bad migration causing re-downloads, there 'Dovecot configuration' section, and the one on "Old Courier POP3 versions to Dovecot v1.0", cover settings for pop3_uidl_format.

Curtis Maloney

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