I'm integrating Sieve (the new one) and ManageSieve into wip/dovecot.

Currently, this works as dovecot options because dovecot must be built before 
sieve can be configured and sieve must be built before managesieve can be 

Now, the question arose what the long-term solution (in pkgsrc) should be.
To my understanding, with dovecot 2.0, ManageSieve will no longer need to patch 
dovecot. But what about both Sieve and ManageSieve depending on doevcot sources 
in order to build (or on libraries dovecot only builds internally)?

The preferred way (for pkgsrc) would be if both Sieve and ManageSieve could be 
built as stand-alone packages and not needing a dovecot source tree to build. 
What's the long-term plan for Sieve/ManageSieve in this respect? The pkgsrc 
infrastructure (intentionally) doesn't like a package depending on anothers 
package working directory in order to build. So with these cross-dependencies, 
the only pkgsrc ways to go would be either to build it all as one package with 
options (that's what I currently do) or extract, patch, configure and build 
dovecot inside a sieve package.

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