Steffen Kaiser schrieb:

> My hint would be that the deliver you use is not from v1.2
> I never used v1.1, but v1.0 does not have no null_header_filter_callback
> symbol.

Maybe due to some "make install" in v1.2 without prior "make uninstall"
in v1.1.16 .... ?

Uh, good hint, that binary is quite old, from 2007 ... the error was the
line in /etc/postfix/, which configured the transport "dovecot"
to use the wrong and old deliver-binary ... I adjusted the path now:

dovecot   unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
  flags=DRhu user=virtmail:mail argv=/usr/local/libexec/dovecot/deliver
-d ${user}

This lets me enable the lda-plugin sieve now, fine! Seems like that
binary was left over from the former rpm or so ....


This was one step to success, now I have to debug the managesieve-part
... Horde's ingo always gives me "Not currently in TRANSACTION state"
... *sigh*

Thanks so far for the help!


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