Hello, dovecot-users ...

as you may read at


I am stuck getting dovecot-sieve working with the ingo-application of
the horde-framework.

To me it seems as if ingo doesn't even trigger any request/command to
managesieve ... I set "mail_debug=yes" in the managesieve-section of
dovecot.conf but don't see any errors there, in fact not even loglines
in /var/log/mail ... Any way to increase the loglevel here?

Apache also doesn't log any errors. I am able to contact managesieve via
telnet or even thunderbird's sieve-plugin.

I edited the relevant backends.php over and over again, substituting,
starting from scratch etc ...

Could someone maybe give me some hint on how to proceed?

I don't know if the problem is with dovecot or ingo or the underlying
php/perl/something-stuff ...

I currently use these releases:


The server is some older Suse 10.1 ...

php5-5.1.2-29.45, apache2-2.2.0-21.7,
Horde Groupware Webmail Edition 1.2

# pear5 list
Installed packages, channel pear.php.net:
Package        Version State
Archive_Tar    1.3.1   stable
Console_Getopt 1.2     stable
DB             1.7.12  stable
Date           1.4.7   stable
Log            1.9.11  stable
Mail           1.1.14  stable
Net_Sieve      1.1.6   stable
Net_Socket     1.0.9   stable
PEAR           1.4.6   stable
XML_RPC        1.5.1   stable

I would appreciate any input on this as this issue now already is
unsolved for weeks now. And as always that is one of the features the
customer wants first ;-)

Aside from this dovecot is working great here, thanks !


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