On Mon, 10 Aug 2009, Michal Hlavinka wrote:

build process for Sieve fails when --with-unfinished-features option is set:
make[2]: Entering directory
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `doc/man/sieve-filter.1', needed by `all-
am'.  Stop.

I have added a dummy sieve-filter.1 file to get it going. See the attachment.

Wolfgang Friebel                   Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
Phone/Fax:  +49 33762 77372/216    Platanenallee 6
Mail: Wolfgang.Friebel AT desy.de  D-15738 Zeuthen  Germany
.TH "SIEVE-FILTER" "1" "8 August 2009"
sieve-filter \- Sieve filter for the Dovecot secure IMAP server
[\fB-m\fR \fIdefault-mailbox\fR]
[\fB-s\fR \fIscript-file\fR]
[\fB-x\fR "\fIextension extension ...\fR"]
\fIscript-file\fR \fImail-store\fR \fI[dest-mail-store]\fR
The \fBsieve-filter\fP command is part of the Sieve implementation for the 
Dovecot secure 
IMAP server. Sieve (RFC 5228) is a simple and highly extensible language for 
e-mail messages. It can be implemented for any type of mail access protocol, 
architecture and operating system. The language cannot execute external 
programs and in 
its basic form it does not provide the means to cause infinite loops, making it 
for running securely on mail servers where mail users have no permission run 
arbitrary programs.
Using the \fBsieve-filter\fP command, 
bla bla (to be done)
Force compilation. By default, the compiled binary is stored on disk. When this 
binary is found
during the next execution of \fBsieve-filter\fP and its modification time is 
more recent than the
script file, it is used and the script is not compiled again. This option 
forces the script to be
compiled, thus ignoring any present binary. Refer to \fBsievec\fP(1) for more 
information about 
Sieve compilation.
\fB-m\fP \fIdefault-mailbox\fP
The mailbox where the keep action stores the message. This is "INBOX" by 
\fB-s\fP \fIscript-file\fP
Specify additional scripts to be executed before the main script. Multiple 
\fB-s\fP arguments are
allowed and the specified scripts are executed sequentially in the order 
specified at the command
\fB-x\fP "\fIextension extension ...\fP"
Set the available extensions. The parameter is a space-separated list of the 
active extensions. By
prepending the extension identifiers with \fB+\fP or \fB-\fP, extensions can be 
included or excluded
relative to the default set of extensions. If no extensions have a \fB+\fP or 
\fB-\fP prefix, only 
those extensions that are explicitly listed will be enabled. Unknown extensions 
are ignored and a 
warning is produced. By default, all supported extensions are available, except 
for deprecated extensions 
or those that are still under development.

For example \fB-x\fP "+imapflags -enotify" will enable the deprecated imapflags 
extension along with all
extensions that are available by default, except for the enotify extension.
To improve script debugging, the Sieve command line tools such as 
\fBsieve-filter\fP support a custom
Sieve language extension called 'vnd.dovecot.debug'. It adds the 
\fBdebug_print\fP command that allows
printing debug messages to \fBstdout\fP. 
require "vnd.dovecot.debug";
if header :contains "subject" "hello" {
  debug_print "Subject header contains hello!";
Other tools like \fBsievec\fP and \fBsieved\fP also recognize the 
vnd.dovecot.debug extension. In contrast,
the actual Sieve plugin for the Dovecot LDA does not allow the use of the debug 
extension. So, keep in mind that 
scripts and compiled binaries that refer to de debug extension will fail to be 
run by the Sieve plugin itself.
Note that it is not necessary to enable nor possible to disable the 
availability of the debug extension with 
the \fB-x\fP option.
The Sieve implementation for Dovecot was written by Stephan Bosch 
Dovecot was written by Timo Sirainen <t...@iki.fi>.
.BR sievec (1),
.BR sieved (1)

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