On Sat, 15 Aug 2009, denis wrote:

> I come back with my problem:

Some notes are below, but because this is a purely Postfix problem, you
should NOT follow-up on this list.  If you continue to have problems, ask for
help on the Postfix mailing list.

> On debian lenny, using dovecot 1.1.13-2~bpo50+1 I try to configure my
> setup (with Postfix virtual
> domains) to use dovecot as lda but nothing happens, as if postfix not
> delegate to dovecot

This is because you never configured Postfix to delegate to Dovecot's LDA.

> I looked in the documentation and google, but I do not understand the
> problem.

It appears you did not look at the Postfix documentation.  According to
postconf(5), $virtual_transport specifies the default mail delivery transport
and next-hop destination for final delivery to domains listed with
$virtual_mailbox_domains.  I see you did not define this latter parameter
based on your 'postconf -n'.

Sahil Tandon <sa...@tandon.net>

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