On Mon, 2009-08-24 at 11:07 +0200, Stefano Fedrigo wrote:
> I configured dovecot to authenticate through ldap.  When for some reason the
> ldap server is not working dovecot writes this message to the system log:
> dovecot: auth(default): accept(type 1) failed: Too many open files
> "Too many open files" is caused by an openldap bug.

Do you know what bug? What does Dovecot log before those errors? I
haven't had this problem when LDAP server goes down.

> The serious problem is
> that dovecot repeats that message a huge number of times, something like 20000
> times per second, until the ldap daemon starts working or, more likely, no 
> more
> disk space remains.

I guess I could work around it, but then again no one else has had this
problem.. It'll be fixed in v2.0 in any case.

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