Doubtful it's an smtp issue, as all authenication over smtp uses base64
I'll see if I can cause the issue in my setup though.

Quoting Joseph Yee <>:

Sounds more like SASL than Dovecot.

I had my Dovecot authenticate against DB in UTF8 encoding, and it can handle Chinese character for password.

Can your smtp authentication allows special character?


On 1-Oct-09, at 10:40 AM, Gilles Albusac wrote:

Problem : I have a problem with special character in the password. Character like ! * é are deleted

My configuration :
- a smtp server with Postfix 2.6 and Dovcot 1.1.11.
- a windows 2003 server with active directory for accounts and boxes

I use SMTP / SASL on my postfix 2.6 to authenticate my remote laptop users (allow legitimate users to relay mail).

To do that, I use SASL Dovecot fonctionnality and ldap request to verify login/password who are declared on a server in Windows 2003 (Active Directory).

It works fine with simple password but not with complex password. I have a problem with special character in the password. Character like ! * é are deleted before comparaison.

Any idea ?


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