In converting everyone at our site from UW-IMAP I've run into a problem with a few
Thunderbird users and I'm wondering if anyone has some recommendations.

We're running dovecot 1.0.13 (yes I know it's old but we don't upgrade production facilities that often). The affected Thunderbird users are running version 2.0023.

What's happening is this:

1) The user creates a filter rule which looks for, say, the From: header on a message, and then tags that message with a Thunderbird tag that they've
         defined (in this case "ToDo").

2) The user also defines a search folderthat shows all mail items tagged "ToDo".

3) Every day, the user opens the folder, handles all the ToDo messages and untags them as they are handled, causing them to disappear from the

4) The next day (or the next time Thunderbird is started), all the previously
         tagged messages are back (in addition to newer ones).

This doesn't happen with UW-IMAP (version imap-2007e which I think is the last version with bug fixes ever issued). I haven't traced out the IMAP commands going back and forth yet to see what might be different between the two servers - I thought I'd ask here first to see if this is a known issue for which there is a solution
(like upgrading dovecot to a specific version).

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