On 7/7/2009 1:59 PM, CJ Keist wrote:

If there is a separate sieve mailing list let me know. But have question if someone else has done this or not.

Right now I have web form people use to setup their vacation replies using Sieve (1.1.6). The form alows them to set what they want their reply address to be, whether to send the reply once, weekly or bi-weekly. I would like to setup another option to let them set the date in which to de-active the vacation replies automatically. Right now they have to remember to log back into the form to turn off the vacation reply.
   Has anyone set something like this up?

From what I've seen of the sieve RFCs, there's no provision for setting this. (Or has that been added?)

I also run into this request regularly with my users who want their vacation replies to turn on at 2pm Friday and turn off at 9am Monday. Which currently means that someone has to babysit the sieve scripts.

Ideally, it would be an option to the vacation element (i.e. "start time" and "end time"). The reason that a start/end time would be useful is in the case of where someone wants to setup their vacation replies ahead of time, and have them automatically enable/disable for the specified time period.

(apologies for continuing an old thread, but I'm curious)

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