
so seems that sieve uses own log format which is not customizable and
it overrides delivery_log_format

2009/11/5 Pascal Volk <user+dove...@localhost.localdomain.org>:
> On 11/05/2009 11:00 PM Anton Dollmaier wrote:
>>> Hm, works for me.
>>> How do you invoke deliver? (in Postfix's master.cf)
>> As I have the same problem:
>>> dovecot   unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
>>>   flags=DRhu user=vmail:vmail argv=/usr/lib/dovecot/deliver -s -d 
>>> $(recipient)
> I've got additionally -f ${sender}.
> But yes, my last reply was to fast. After your reply to Lampa I've
> checked my logs again.
> When using sieve, the deliver_log_format is ignored, w/o sieve it's OK.
> Regards,
> Pascal
> --
> The trapper recommends today: cafefeed.0930...@localdomain.org


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