
I'm using Dovecot with LDAP.
My users have an home directory and a field named 'mailMessageStore'.
Then the full mailbox path is 'homeDirectory/mailMessageStore'

In dovecot-ldap.conf i configured as follows :

user_filter = (&(objectClass=qmailUser)(cn=%u))
user_attrs = qmailUID=uid,qmailGID=gid,homeDirectory=home,mailMessageStore=mail=maildir:~/%$

Everything is working as expected but...

I'm using sieve and in the 'dovecot.conf' there is no way to get
a variable containing the mailbox path...

As the mailMessageStore field can contain something different than the
login or uid, how can i get the mailbox path in the conf ?

David Goncalves - http://www.lestat.st

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