
I've run into a bit of a problem and exhausted my knowledge and research.  I'm 
hoping that I've overlooked something very obvious!
I moved from a single Apple OS X 10.6.2 server Dovecot environment to a NFS 
clustered environment, currently with two servers.  Both servers are identical 
hardware, software.  Currently both the Dovecot index and data files are on the 
NFS RAID array.  Both servers are configured to work with NFS per the Dovecot 
The index and data files are accessed via a target link to the NFS mount via 
Email can be sent and received via either server and there are no errors being 
reported (both platforms are in debug mode). In essence everything appears to 
be working fine.

The issue is that after the index is initially built (all email timestamps are 
correct) however any new incoming email is timestamped:  8 July 2037  23:53

I checked the index files:
drwx------   5 XXXX    mail    4096 Nov 12 20:41 .UND
-rw-------   1 XXXX    staff   1472 Nov 13 12:30 .nfs.2005105c.0583
-rw-------   2 XXXX    mail   56668 Nov 13 15:44 .nfs.200514ff.0583
-rw-------   2 XXXX    mail    1364 Nov 13 15:44 .nfs.20051500.0583
drwx------   2 XXXX    mail   12288 Nov 13 15:44 cur
-rw-------   1 XXXX    mail     118 Nov 13 10:04 dovecot-keywords
-rw-------   1 XXXX  staff   5359 Nov 13 15:44 dovecot-uidlist
-rw-------   1 XXXX    staff      8 Nov 12 21:12 dovecot-uidvalidity
-rw-------   1 XXXX   mail       0 Jul  8  2037 dovecot-uidvalidity.4afc7a3a
-rw-------   1 XXXX    staff   1472 Nov 13 15:44 dovecot.index
-rw-------   2 XXXX    mail   56668 Nov 13 15:44 dovecot.index.cache
-rw-------   2 XXXX    mail    1364 Nov 13 15:44 dovecot.index.log
-rw-------   1 XXXX    mail    3859 Nov 13 15:47 maildirsize
drwx------   2 XXXX    mail    4096 Nov 13 15:44 new
-rw-------   1 XXXX   mail     902 Nov  1 14:07 subscriptions
drwx------   2 XXXX    mail    4096 Nov 13 15:44 tmp

When checking the "stand alone" old data - the files are all correctly dated.

This issue is the same for all users.

Any ideas?

Many thanks,


sh-3.2# /usr/sbin/dovecotd -n
# 1.1.17apple0.5: /private/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
Warning: fd limit 256 is lower than what Dovecot can use under full load (more 
than 456). Either grow the limit or change login_max_processes_count and 
max_mail_processes settings
# OS: Darwin 10.0.0 i386  nfs
base_dir: /var/run/dovecot
syslog_facility: local6
protocols: managesieve imaps
listen(default): *
listen(imap): *
listen(managesieve): *:2000
ssl_cert_file: /etc/certificates/X.X.org.X.cert.pem
ssl_key_file: /etc/certificates/X.X.org.X.key.pem
ssl_cipher_list: ALL:!LOW:!SSLv2:!aNULL:!ADH:!eNULL
login_dir: /var/run/dovecot/login
login_executable(default): /usr/libexec/dovecot/imap-login
login_executable(imap): /usr/libexec/dovecot/imap-login
login_executable(managesieve): /usr/libexec/dovecot/managesieve-login
login_user: _dovecot
login_process_per_connection: no
max_mail_processes: 200
mail_max_userip_connections(default): 20
mail_max_userip_connections(imap): 20
mail_max_userip_connections(managesieve): 10
verbose_proctitle: yes
first_valid_uid: 6
first_valid_gid: 6
mail_access_groups: mail
mail_location: maildir:/var/spool/imap/dovecot/mail/%u
mail_debug: yes
mmap_disable: yes
dotlock_use_excl: no
mail_nfs_storage: yes
mail_nfs_index: yes
lock_method: dotlock
mbox_read_locks: fcntl dotlock
mbox_write_locks: fcntl dotlock
mail_executable(default): /usr/libexec/dovecot/imap
mail_executable(imap): /usr/libexec/dovecot/imap
mail_executable(managesieve): /usr/libexec/dovecot/managesieve
mail_process_sharing(default): full
mail_process_sharing(imap): full
mail_process_sharing(managesieve): none
mail_max_connections(default): 5
mail_max_connections(imap): 5
mail_max_connections(managesieve): 20
mail_plugins(default): quota imap_quota
mail_plugins(imap): quota imap_quota
mail_plugin_dir(default): /usr/lib/dovecot/imap
mail_plugin_dir(imap): /usr/lib/dovecot/imap
mail_plugin_dir(managesieve): /usr/lib/dovecot/managesieve
sieve_storage(managesieve): /var/spool/imap/dovecot/sieve-scripts/%u
sieve(managesieve): /var/spool/imap/dovecot/sieve-scripts/%u/dovecot.sieve
auth default:
  mechanisms: gssapi cram-md5
  verbose: yes
  debug: yes
  debug_passwords: yes
    driver: od
    driver: od
    args: partition=/etc/dovecot/partition_map.conf enforce_quotas=no
    type: listen
      path: /var/run/dovecot/auth-master
      mode: 384
      user: _dovecot
      group: mail
  quota_warning: storage=100%% /usr/libexec/dovecot/quota-exceeded.sh
  quota: maildir:User quota
  sieve: /var/spool/imap/dovecot/sieve-scripts/%u/dovecot.sieve

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