On Mon, 2009-11-16 at 12:35 +0100, Halim Issa wrote:
> One thing came to mind - would it be possible to use Dovecot and
> Disconnected IMAP itself for the transfer, and perhaps thus keep the
> indexes?
> If I move the messages from the local mailbox to the IMAP mailbox from
> within Kmail it should perhaps keep the status?
> Also - is there any documentation anywhere (or tips on better google
> search terms) on what is stored in these indexes? I suppose apart from
> Read/New status, it also contains whether or not there have been
> replies to the mail and on what date the email was replied to?

I doubt you need to worry about the indexes. The messages' flag state
should be stored in the maildir filenames, and I'd hope that kmail does
that too.

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