On Mon, 2009-11-23 at 14:01 +0000, Tom Kardos wrote:

>   Hi there, I've tried to update Dovecot to the latest version and have
> come upon an error during make. Previous upgrades have all been very easy
> (thank you!) and it appears that the updated make script includes a wget
> command and unfortunately OS X does not come with wget by default (curl is
> the default). Not being completely up to speed with the whole autoconf and
> make process, I'm a little at a loss as to where to even look for making a
> modification to use curl instead of wget - any assistance would be
> appreciated. Thanks in advance Tom

Apparently your src/lib/unicodemap.c's timestamp is newer than
src/lib/unicodemap.pl's? It's not in the tarball.. You should be able to
fix this simply by:

touch src/lib/unicodemap.c

Although it's unintentional that UnicodeData.txt isn't included in the
tarball, I'll add it there.

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