On Mon, 2009-11-23 at 17:03 +0100, Alexander 'Leo' Bergolth wrote:
> However now that I've upgraded to 1.2.8, I cannot create subfolders
> anymore. The server responds with "NO Invalid mailbox name:
> test/testsub". The hierarchy separator for the namespaces is / because I
> am mixing maildir and mbox namespaces and list=yes.
> The details:
> I am using a post-login script (attached) that detects all subfolders of
> /var/spool/mail/Shared for which the current user has at least read
> access. For every subfolder, it creates a separate namespace with the
> prefix Shared/<mailboxname>. The shared mailbox trees are in maildir format.

Are you setting the hierarchy separator in environment for the other
created namespaces? It sounds like you aren't. Looking at logs with
mail_debug=yes would verify.

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