
after setting up a KVM based virtual guest on one of our virtualization servers, we see dovecot die on that virtual guest regularly because of an alleged time shift.

The virtual guest is Centos 5.4 based with dovecot 1.2.8 (at first we also tried with the original 1.0.7 (?) dovecot shipped with Centos).

I wrote "alleged time shift" because there is no timeshift whatsoever, or at least I don't notice it anywhere else.

ntp is - of course ;-) - up and running and no other applications have time troubles and I've even disabled the local clock as a time reference.

As a proof that the time did not shift see this log excerpt:

Nov 29 14:02:22 athesia dovecot: IMAP(atester): Connection closed
Nov 29 14:04:11 athesia dovecot: imap-login: Time just moved backwards by 4397 seconds. This might cause a lot of problems, so I'll just kill myself now. http://wiki.dovecot.org/TimeMovedBackwards

So as you see, dovecot successfully logged a message on 14:02 and then complained about the time having shifted 4397 seconds on 14:04 ...

Thanks in advance

Udo Rader, CTO

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