On Sat, 2009-12-12 at 13:46 +0200, Tapio Sokura wrote:
> I'm having problems with expire-tool in Dovecot 1.2.6 not finding the 
> mailboxes. I had
> mail_location = 
> mbox:/var/spool/dovecotmail/%d/%n/mails:INDEX=/var/spool/dovecotmail/%d/%n/indexes
> in dovecot.conf, but that doesn't work with expire-tool. So I commented 
> that out from dovecot.conf, all the data is in a database anyway. A 
> userdb lookup returns the following for use...@domain:
> home = /var/spool/dovecotmail/domain/userid/
> mail = 
> mbox:/var/spool/dovecotmail/domain/userid/mails:INDEX=/var/spool/dovecotmail/domain/userid/indexes

Here's a simple way that should work:

mail_location = mbox:~/mails:INDEX=~/indexes

and then you can also drop the mail field from userdb.

> Now when running expire-tool --test, I get this:
> Error: Namespace '': Mail storage autodetection failed with 
> home=/var/spool/dovecotmail/domain/userid/
> Info: User lookup failed: use...@domain
> When I run expire-tool under strace, I can see that it is indeed looking 
> for the mails in the typical autodetect locations (Maildir, mail, Mail) 
> under user's home directory. So it appers that expire-tool takes the 
> home directory from userdb, but ignores mail location returned by userdb?

I think it should have worked and I don't see anything obviously wrong
in the code either, but if the mail_location change works for you I
don't think I'll bother looking into this. v2.0 solves the whole problem
much better.

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