On Mon, 2009-12-14 at 08:11 -0600, Marty Diesburg wrote:
> I'm new to the list and have a quota question.  I am building a new server
> with dovecot/qmail/vpopmail/mysql and
> emails are sending and recieving fine when the quota is set to NOQUOTA, but
> when the quota is changed qmail
> doesn't deliver any messages.

Logs probably would have told you why it failed.

>   passdb:
>     driver: sql
>     args: /home/vpopmail/dovecotsql.conf
>   passdb:
>     driver: vpopmail
>     args: webmail=
>   userdb:
>     driver: sql
>     args: /home/vpopmail/dovecotsql.conf
>   userdb:
>     driver: vpopmaildriver = mysql
>     args: quota_template=quota_rule=*:backend=%q

Something's weird above. You probably should have only passdb sql and
userdb sql, nothing else.

> user_query = SELECT CONCAT(pw_name, '@', pw_domain) AS user, pw_dir as home,
> 508 AS uid, 503 AS gid, concat('maildir:backend=%q', pw_shell) AS quota_rule

The %q is for userdb vpopmail, not for userdb sql. Just remove it and it
should work (assuming pw_shell contains the quota).

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