On Wed, 2009-12-16 at 08:34 +0530, Pattabi Prasanna wrote:
> Hi,
>   I edited the /etc/passwd file for one of user, but the quota is not taking
> effect for this user, the user is able to receive mails more than the quota
> allocated.
> testuser:x:515:516::/home/testuser:/bin/bash:userdb_quota_rule=*.bytes=3M
>   userdb:
>     driver: passwd

1) passwd backend doesn't support extra fields. There's just no way to
do what you want with it.

2) Modifying /etc/passwd the way you did could easily break other
programs. Using something like chsh to modify /etc/passwd could drop the
fields you added. I wouldn't recommend doing it.

3) You should probably be using userdb passwd-file. I guess you could
simply do userdb passwd-file { args = /etc/passwd } and the above
modification would work, but because of 2) I'd recommend using a
different file and figuring out some way to keep it in sync
with /etc/passwd.

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