On Mon, 28 Dec 2009 14:30:14 +0100, Florian Effenberger <flo...@gmail.com>
> Hello,
> I use Thunderbird as IMAP client and do a lot of server-side filtering
> with Sieve scripts. To be notified of new mails, I want to check all
> folders (a lot of them...) at once for new mails, and not only the
> inbox.
> According to
> it should be sufficient to enable one setting -- given that the IMAP
> server returns the STATUS command correctly. I still run Dovecot 1.0
> (from Debian 4.0), and it seems this version doesn't support the IMAP
> STATUS command, as I have to explictly query each folder with the
> second mentioned setting.
> What is the recommended way of checking all folders for new mails? Is
> there any server-side setting I can activate? Do newer versions of
> Dovecot support the STATUS command in the way Thunderbird expects it?
> Or does Dovecot even offer an option like the mentioned
> Sorry for my maybe dumb question... :-)
> Thanks,
> Florian
This might be help you...
If Thunderbird doesn't recognize that a folder contains unread messages try
setting mail.imap.use_status_for_biff true. It causes Thunderbird to
explicitly select each folder to update the message summaries, rather than
using the STATUS command. It has more overhead, but some IMAP servers don't
return STATUS correctly. 

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