On Wed, 2010-01-06 at 09:38 -0600, Bill wrote:
> I recently started using dovecot and have it working well but I have one item 
> I haven't been able to find an answer for. I am using MySQL with Dovecot for 
> authentication with my virtual email customers. When the user logs in and 
> checks email a log entry is recorded. Instead of the email address 
> (b...@bob.net) being logged it records the local account (vemail101) in the 
> POP3 log. How can I get dovecot to reflect the email address that the 
> customer logged in with instead of the local account?

Do the users log in as b...@bob.net or vemail101? If the former, then the
problem has to do with your passdb and userdb configuration, which
changes the username. So dovecot -n output would be helpful in giving a
better answer.

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