ok.. sry for spam..

figured it out..

user_attrs = homeDirectory=home,uid=mail=maildir:/mail/%$

2010/1/21  <spamv...@googlemail.com>:
> hi again..
> user_filter = 
> (&(objectClass=gosaMailAccount)(|(mail=%u)(gosaMailAlternateAddress=%u)))
> this works to check if the account is valid but i cant figure out how
> to set the maillocation
> i think this is done in user_attrs
> but no idea how to use the uid. i tryed "user_attrs =
> home=maildir:/mail/%uid" but that did not work.
> i tryed also to add a (&..(uid=%uid)) to the user_filter but no luck..
> any hinds or tips
> 2010/1/21  <spamv...@googlemail.com>:
>> hi..
>> im running dovecot 1.2.9 and checking against an openldap.
>> i defined in dovecot.conf mail_location = maildir:/mail/%u
>> and now all mails are stored under /mail/my.e...@mydomain.com
>> how can i store them in /mail/ldapuid ?
>> these userdb and passdb settings drive me crazy..
>> looks like ldap is a bigger thing then i thougt :)
>> thx

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