On 21.1.2010, at 16.35, Ralf Hildebrandt wrote:

> Which part of the process structure can be killed and takes all it's
> children with it?
>     ├─runsvdir─┬─runsv───ntpd
>     │          ├─runsv─┬─dovecot─┬─2*[dovecot-auth]
>     │          │       │         ├─1203*[imap]
>     │          │       │         ├─64*[imap-login]
>     │          │       │         ├─64*[managesieve-log]
>     │          │       │         └─64*[pop3-login]
>     │          │       └─svlogd
> killall dovecot?
> Is that guaranteed to wipe out ALL child processes as well?

If you set shutdown_clients=yes. Although even with =no it should stop 

> I had to use (at least in the past):
>   sv d /var/service/dovecot
>   killall dovecot
>   killall -9 imap-login
>   ps auxwww|grep dovecot
> to make sure everything would be dead...

I guess there can be bugs.. But in general the processes should notice 
immediately that master died, and immediately close their listeners and 
optionally shut down.

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