Julian Cowley wrote:
Hi Stephan,

I noticed that you changed i;ascii-numeric comparator recently (<http://hg.rename-it.nl/dovecot-1.2-sieve/rev/17fb38aee85f>) to correct a small bug. I have an interest in this because I use the comparator to check for SpamAssassin scores. Before the fix, this was all that was necessary to check for scores above a certain value:

    header :value "ge" :comparator "i;ascii-numeric" "X-Spam-Score" "5"

Since SpamAssassin includes negative scores and the i;ascii-numeric comparator doesn't recognize negative numbers, all negative scores are actually treated as positive infinity after the fix. Of course, this means mail which has a negative score then gets counted as spam.


Now an additional test is necessary, something like this:

    allof(not header :matches "X-Spam-Score" "-*",
      header :value "ge" :comparator "i;ascii-numeric" "X-Spam-Score" "5")

I thought I'd mention this because other people may get affected by this once 0.1.15 comes out.

I'll mention it in the release mail.

Here is a patch that makes further tests for the comparator between numeric and non-numeric values. Hope you can use it.

I a added it just now. If only more people would file their bugs and comments as ready-made test suite scripts :)



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