On 2010-01-24 12:11 PM, David Halik wrote:
>> So, what is the real world benefit of CONDSTORE? In other words,
>> what do you lose by disabling it?

> My general understanding is that it reduces both client and server
> sync load by essentially allowing the two to be smarter about
> flag/time changes. When a client connects it does not need to make as
> many queries and trips back to the IMAP server to resync with the
> latest status... essentially it frees up transactional load.
> So, my guess would be that turning it off only means that your
> server might see more load, and your client might not appear to be as
> "snappy" on initial connections. Syncing should still happen just
> fine.
> Hope that helps.

Yup, thanks... so, now to go vote for the TB bug to be fixed... :)

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