The cryptic subject is the outcome of my looking into how to do a particular thing. I wonder if anyone else has solved this problem in a way that hasn't occurred to me.

I'm using dovecot 1.1.11 on Ubuntu Server 9.10. I could consider upgrading to my own install of a newer dovecot if it made a difference to this problem.

I have two populations of dovecot users. Some users have Unix accounts (with logins disabled), and so their password hashes are stored in /etc/shadow. These days, the default configuration for that is salted SHA-512. It's easy for me to change that scheme to something else if I want to, but the important fact is that I already have some users with passwords in salted SHA-512. The other population of users is purely virtual, and their password hashes are stored in a MySQL database in SHA-1 format (unsalted, but moving to salted wouldn't be a big deal). The database also has a column identifying the hash scheme, so SHA-1 isn't some assumption.

I know that I have have multiple passdb in my dovecot config, but I'm looking to unify my two user populations and put them all in the MySQL database. As far as I can tell from the wiki, there is no SHA-512 in any version of dovecot. MySQL also doesn't have SHA-512. So, I don't see a way of reworking my password checking to accomodate the salted SHA-512 values currently in /etc/shadow. I'd prefer to not ask the SHA-512 users to update their passwords for this administrative reason if I can avoid it (but so far, that looks like the only answer).

Any ideas?

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