On Sat, 2010-02-13 at 01:19 +0200, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> > >  - create yet another proxy to login processes. Probably some day I
> > > should combine all of them to one that only proxies i/ostreams. Although
> > > implementing SSL i/ostreams could be a bit difficult.

Looks like COMPRESS=DEFLATE is valid only after login, which made it
much easier to implement. It's now in v2.0 hg. Tested that it seems to
work with Thunderbird 3.0.1.


protocol imap {
  mail_plugins = zlib imap_zlib
plugin {
  imap_zlib_compress_level = 6 #default

Only COMPRESS=DEFLATE is advertised, but it actually supports all
compression methods supported by zlib plugin. So basically deflate and
bz2 (and gz, but it's basically same as deflate).

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