Well, I've been all day yesterday solving this .. and of course a simple
[r...@magenta ~]# chmod a+rx /opt/mailboxes/

allows me to see the mails from scanner user.

The only problem now is when sending mails to that user I still get a
warning: connect #3 to subsystem private/dovecot: Connection refused

I don't think I can set postfix to deliver directly to maildir instead of passing through dovecot ? I don't know if the home_mailbox directive allows us to use vars like %u ? or can you see anything wrong in my confs !?

Daniel Grilo
Partner of Grupo PDM
Av. Conde Valbom 30, 3o
1050-068 Lisboa (Portugal)
web: http://www.pdmfc.com Tel: +351 21 357 20 29 // mobile: +351 91 388 94 39 (ext: 716) Fax: +351 21 357 20 31
A:      Doc, Happy, Bashful, Dopey, Sneezy, Sleepy, & Grumpy
Q:      Who were the Democratic presidential candidates?

Daniel Grilo wrote:
Dear All,

I saw some topics discussed in forums about this, but none with my problems :(

Currently we have a mailserver postfix with courier-imap-4.1.1, and courier-pop3 and courier-authlib.

Our Maildir's are written in the users home directory (ex: ~/Maildir)

I'm now migrating the mailserver to other cluster and installing with dovecot. We're also moving the Maildir's to other directory (ex: /opt/mailboxes/%u)

I've ran your perl script courier-dovecot-migrate-1.0.pl which worked just great (as far as I can tell from the OK messages) .. but when configuring my mail client for this account I get the following:

Mar 16 09:49:27 magenta dovecot: auth(default): master out: USER 69 scanner system_user=scanner uid=734 gid=100 home=/home/scanner

Mar 16 09:49:27 magenta dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<scanner>, method=PLAIN, rip=::ffff:, lip=::ffff:

Mar 16 09:49:27 magenta dovecot: IMAP(scanner): Effective uid=734, gid=100, home=/home/scanner

Mar 16 09:49:27 magenta dovecot: IMAP(scanner): maildir: data=/opt/mailboxes/scanner

Mar 16 09:49:27 magenta dovecot: IMAP(scanner): maildir: root=/opt/mailboxes/scanner, index=/opt/mailboxes/scanner, control=, inbox=

Mar 16 09:49:27 magenta dovecot: IMAP(scanner): stat(/opt/mailboxes/scanner/cur) failed: Permission denied

Mar 16 09:49:27 magenta dovecot: IMAP(scanner): stat(/opt/mailboxes/scanner/cur) failed: Permission denied

[r...@magenta ~]# ls -la /opt/mailboxes/

total 36

drwxrwx--- 4 root    dovecot  4096 Mar 15 11:49 .

drwxr-xr-x 6 root    dovecot  4096 Mar  9  2009 ..

drwxrwx--- 2 root    root    16384 Feb 10 15:55 lost+found

drwx------ 9 scanner users    4096 Mar 15 11:56 scanner

The second problem is between postfix / dovecot.. When I send an email to this user I get the following:

Mar 16 09:52:11 magenta postfix/local[19065]: warning: connect #1 to subsystem private/dovecot: Connection refused

Mar 16 09:52:12 magenta postfix/local[19064]: warning: connect #5 to subsystem private/dovecot: Connection refused

I've the following on my /etc/postfix/main.cf

## deliver with dovecot

dovecot_destination_recipient_limit = 1

mailbox_transport = dovecot

smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes

smtpd_client_restrictions = permit_sasl_authenticated

I hope you can give me a hand on this :) If you need further information, please let me know (perhaps I forgot something)

Best Regards

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