On Thu, 2010-03-25 at 10:58 +0000, Brian Candler wrote:
> Mar 25 10:22:23 freebsd-dev dovecot: IMAP(br...@dev.example.com): Our dotlock 
> file /mail/0/6/37/30/brian%dev.example.com/dovecot-uidlist.lock was 
> overridden (locked 0 secs ago, touched 0 secs ago)

Wonder if dotlock_use_excl=no helps with this.

> Interestingly, these messages imply that dovecot is still using dotlocking
> in some circumstances, even though I've definitely set fcntl locking.

Yes, dotlocking is always used for some files.

> It's possible that switching the Linux NFS server to a Netapp will help
> (which is what it will be deployed onto eventually anyway)

NetApp should help, but I doubt it'll remove all the problems. Also
Dovecot's NFS workarounds work better for Linux NFS client than for

> Maybe the load pattern from 'real' IMAP clients is such that these problems
> generally don't show in practice?  (i.e.  it would be unusual for a single
> IMAP client to make simultaneous changes to the same folder via different
> TCP connections)

Right. They probably don't show up all that often for real users, but
imaptest shows the worst case situation.

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