On Wed, 2010-04-07 at 09:58 +0200, Cieslak, Andreas wrote:
> Hi list,
> i made an upgrade from dovecot 1.0RC15 to 1.1.20
> the default installation was under /etc/dovecot.
> The upgrade installation was made under /usr/local/etc.
> ###auth-master is not existing under the path
> /usr/local/var/run/dovecot/auth-master. Is this the fault?
What creates that socket? Something like Exim or Postfix?
Chances are the external program still creates that socket under it's
original directory and will either need to be changed to match your new
path, or point it to the existing socket.

find / -iname auth-master

May be worth a run just to see if it still exists in the 'old' location
the last dovecot was looking at.

> Can anyone help me out?
> Andreas Cieslak
> IT-Systeme
> Folkwang Hochschule
> Musik | Theater | Tanz | Gestaltung | Wissenschaft
> Klemensborn 39
> 45239 Essen
> Fon: 0201_4903-218
> Fax: 0201_4903-288
> cies...@folkwang-hochschule.de
> www.folkwang-hochschule.de <http://www.folkwang-hochschule.de/> 

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