On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 08:06:34PM +0200, Andreas Schulze wrote:
> Hello list,
> I use currently a non-dovecot pop3 proxy which has the ability
> to scan all passing mails for viruses. And I like dovecot.


> I have to combine both.
> One (and the only) idea is to call a virusscanner a shellscript,
> installed as PostLoginScript.

What do you want:
1. Scan mails with newest database near fetch (IMAP command)? I'm not sure,
   but I've seen something about that looking into latetst p3scan features.
   It seems like it supports IMAP and can act as proxy beetween MUA and 
   specified IMAP/POP3 server. I haven't tried it.
2. Just get mails from pop3 server and check it for viruses during delievery
   to dovecot mail storage? It seems to be work for some MTA filter.
3. You want to mirror remote IMAP store locally and check mails in local copy
   for viruses (and maybe do some spam checks)? Why not give a try to
   imapsync and some script around? I'm not finished my own yet...

Dmitri Ivanov

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