On Wed, 2010-04-28 at 10:46 -0400, Erik Kratzenberg wrote:
> > >     -Dovecot.log : Mar 29 11:00:06 Error: POP3(user_login):
>  > >        Couldn't init INBOX: Mailbox isn't a valid mbox
>  > >     -The mailbox start with either 'FFrom or 'FrFrom'
>  >
> We're having the same issues on our servers here and it
> oddly started at exactly the same time (March 20th or so)
> with no changes made by us.

How often do they happen? If it really is related to time, the only
thing I can think of is that daylight saving time changed, which
increased/decreased some timestamp string and broke some length

> We've upgraded to the latest Dovecot 1.2.11 and are using
> Dovecot 'deliver' exclusively.  Tried setting
> fsync_disable=no, but the problem persists.  

You could try mbox_lazy_writes=no and mbox_dirty_syncs=no, although
disabling lazy writing makes the performance worse. Let me know if those
fix it..

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