On Mon, 03 May 2010 16:00:41 -0700
Alex <dove...@mailswamp.com> articulated:

> Hello folkz,
> Is it possible to setup in dovecot-sql.conf  file to run user_query
> twice if its first run didn't yield any values.
> And likewise don't proceed with the second run if the first user_query
> execution produced the result.
> I have to query two tables which specify there email messages shall be
> delivered via Dovecot deliver LDA
> depending on the incoming email addresses.
> Please don't question me about this setup. I inherited this mess from
> the previous Network Admin.
> First query should be ran like this:
> user_query = SELECT concat('maildir:/data/mail/',maildir) as mail FROM
> folders WHERE email = '%u'
> If the first query doesn't yield any result the second shall be ran
> like this:
> user_query = SELECT maildir as home FROM users WHERE email = '%u'
> Please advise if such user_query setup is possible at all.

You probably want to do an "if condition" or similar type query. It has
been ages since I played with MySQL. You might want to read up on the
query syntax.


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