On Thu, 2010-05-13 at 08:17 -0300, Marcio Merlone wrote:
> As per the wiki http://wiki.dovecot.org/SharedMailboxes/Shared I can use 
> a bdb file or sql connection to keep the listing. But when I use a 
> single bdb file like:
> plugin {
>    acl_shared_dict = file:/var/lib/dovecot/shared-mailboxes.db
> }

That's actually Dovecot's simple flat text file, not bdb file.

> everytime a user logs in, this file get its ownership to the user with 
> 0600 mode.

You should probably chmod 0666 the file. It should preserve the mode.

> I could use an sql dictionary, but since I dont have any sql 
> params on my configs I am not sure where to store connection params like 
> user, password and host for database. Can anybody help me with that?

Add connect setting to the dovecot-dict-sql.conf. I added it now to

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