On ke, 2010-06-02 at 21:44 -0700, Brandon Davidson wrote:
> > Also another thought :) I guess you have now two login services for imap and
> > pop3, one for proxy and one for backend?
> No, just the one for each right now. I haven't figured out how to do that
> yet ;) Just multiple imap-login/pop3-login blocks with different
> inet_listener addresses?


> How do I tell different login services to use different auth backends? Is it
> the first argument to the login process executable? So like:
> service imap-login {
>   executable = imap-login auth-proxy
>   inet_listener imaps {
>     address =
>   }
> }

Yes, but with director config you're already doing it:

proxy: director -> auth-login
normal: login/login

So one auth that listens login/login and other auth that listens

> I'm still trying to grok what all the different config bits mean and imply.

All of this is something that wasn't really planned to be ever done :)

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