i have a problem with the managesieve plugin and a virtual namespace in v2.0. The managesieve plugin complains about an unknown storage driver virtual when i try to log intot the managesieve. I don't know if this is quite a recent problem or if it exists for a while, as i configured the virtual namspace from scratch. (The virtual namespace itself is working.)

Jun 28 13:55:54 managesieve-login: Info: Login: user=<1000000000032>, method=PLAIN, rip=::1, lip=::1, mpid=30947, secured Jun 28 13:55:54 managesieve: Debug: Added userdb setting: plugin/quota_rule=*:storage=1073741824B Jun 28 13:55:54 managesieve(1000000000032): Debug: Effective uid=20001, gid=20001, home=/mail/001/32/00/00/1000000000032 Jun 28 13:55:54 managesieve(1000000000032): Debug: Namespace type=private: type=private, prefix=, sep=., inbox=yes, hidden=no, list=ye
s, subscriptions=yes
Jun 28 13:55:54 managesieve(1000000000032): Debug: fs: root=/mail/001/32/00/00/1000000000032-dbox, index=/mail/001/32/00/00/1000000000
032-dbox/index, control=, inbox=
Jun 28 13:55:54 managesieve(1000000000032): Debug: Namespace : type=private, prefix=virtual., sep=., inbox=no, hidden=no, list=yes, su
Jun 28 13:55:54 managesieve(1000000000032): Error: user 1000000000032: Initialization failed: Namespace 'virtual.': Unknown mail stora
ge driver virtual
Jun 28 13:55:54 managesieve(1000000000032): Error: Invalid user settings. Refer to server log for more information.

I am using dovecot-2.0-pigeonhole 1301:1def8519d775 and dovecot-2.0 11638:5326d6b2f36e

excerpt from confs:
protocols = imap pop3 lmtp sieve
mail_location =  dbox:%h-dbox:INDEX=%h-dbox/index
namespace type=private {
  separator = .
  prefix =
  inbox = yes
namespace {
  prefix = virtual.
  separator = .
  location = virtual:%h-dbox/virtual:INDEX=%h-dbox/index/virtual
service managesieve-login {
  inet_listener  managesieve {

Oliver Eales

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