Hi all

after lots of trial and error and the help of THIS mail list, finally my
dovecot-postfix combination seems to work
the dovecot mail spool always is empty 
all mail forwarded to my main mail server - but i have no mail relay

why is the mail NOT in the dovecot inbox but forwarded to another mail
server ??
and why does postconf -A show cyrus and NOT dovecot ??

below some relevant config data.

my goal is to have a clean simple dovecot+postfix mail system with
nothing else (cyrus or so) involved when ever possible.

---------- DNS MX stuff

dig mx kriyayoga.com
kriyayoga.com.          3600    IN      MX      10 smtp.kriyayoga.com.
kriyayoga.com.          3600    IN      MX      0 mail.kriyayoga.com.

the new dovecot setup is tested on smtp.kriyayoga.com and when
successfully working shall be used on both mail MX servers.


postfix stuff relevant to dovecot

 >  postconf -A

 >  postconf -a

my postconf -n shows nothing about cyrus in the config
anything about mail-relay to my main MX

relayhost =
mailbox_transport =
mailbox_command =
smtpd_sasl_type = dovecot
virtual_transport = dovecot

---------- below the mail log for sending mail to my dovecot box 

Jul  3 20:31:08 kriyayoga postfix/smtpd[27801]: connect from
Jul  3 20:31:08 kriyayoga dovecot: auth(default): new auth connection:
Jul  3 20:31:09 kriyayoga dovecot: auth(default): client in:
Jul  3 20:31:09 kriyayoga dovecot: auth(default):
passwd-file(hans, lookup: user=hans
Jul  3 20:31:09 kriyayoga dovecot: auth(default): client out:
Jul  3 20:31:09 kriyayoga postfix/smtpd[27801]: BC90129D9F:
client=unknown[], sasl_method=PLAIN, sasl_username=hans
Jul  3 20:31:10 kriyayoga postfix/cleanup[27807]: BC90129D9F:
Jul  3 20:31:10 kriyayoga postfix/qmgr[14627]: BC90129D9F:
from=<h...@kriyayoga.com>, size=1287, nrcpt=2 (queue active)
Jul  3 20:31:10 kriyayoga postfix/smtp[27808]: BC90129D9F:
to=<h...@kriyayoga.com>, relay=mail.kriyayoga.com[]:25,
delay=0.95, delays=0.5/0.01/0.17/0.26, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 Ok:
queued as 97FCE138024)
Jul  3 20:31:10 kriyayoga postfix/smtp[27808]: BC90129D9F:
to=<h...@kriyayoga.com>, relay=mail.kriyayoga.com[]:25,
delay=0.95, delays=0.5/0.01/0.17/0.26, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 Ok:
queued as 97FCE138024)
Jul  3 20:31:10 kriyayoga postfix/qmgr[14627]: BC90129D9F: removed

at this point the mail is gone already - NO mail in my dovecot inbox -
NO error - just automatically relayed to my main MX


any help or tip or pointer to a howto is welcome and highly appreciated.


Hans <h...@kriyayoga.com>
Cyberspace Ashram

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