Am 11.07.10 15:59, schrieb Stan Hoeppner:
Leander S. put forth on 7/11/2010 8:24 AM:

There is something else missed - I just don't get it ;/
The solution to your problem, or at least information pointing you in the
right direction, is in those Google search results, if you'd bother to
actually read some of them.  I guess you'd rather wait for someone here to
solve the problem for you instead of spending that time solving it yourself?

Hi Stan,

you most probably think I'm just too lazy & impationed to google my problems - but it's not. I more and more get the feeling that this is ether a Thunderbird incompatibly or a little switch which is missed in the dovecot.conf to get compatible - but I'm not getting it. I set up Dovecot SSL/TLS & Postfix SSL/TLS for several times succesfully now ... and now oll of a sudden it stops working with Thunderbird version 3.1 ?!

Out of my frustration I was even using to create the neccesarry files - but with the same result ;(

Therefore I would really more then appreciate a hepful hint if possible - cause I'm really stucking at a point where I'm not getting to anything anymore.

Here are three screenshots of the Thunderbird situation - even though it's in german - I think everybody knows how it looks in english isnce it's a common dialog.


Local: same as public - works

And here again the mailog output:

server dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (no auth attempts): rip=, lip=, TLS handshaking: SSL_accept() failed: error:14094418:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:tlsv1 alert unknown ca

It's always the same when it fails ...

And this is how my dovecot.conf looks like:


## SSL settings
ssl = yes
ssl_cert_file = /etc/ssl/mail/mail.cert
ssl_key_file = /etc/ssl/mail/mail.key|


Thank you

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