Op 21 jul 2010, om 15:06 heeft Leonardo Rodrigues het volgende geschreven:

> Em 21/07/2010 09:18, Timo Sirainen escreveu:
>> I think this is one of the tons of different possible password policies
>> and isn't really Dovecot's job. It really should be enforced while
>> setting the password, not while checking it.
>    i completly agree that dovecot is not the place for enforcing password 
> policies nor checking them.
>    but, still on the subject, maybe dovecot could have some features for 
> helping sysadmins to avoid/mitigate brute-force attacks. As told, some bots 
> tries username=password, but those fuckers (the bots) also tries lots of 
> common passwords, 123, 1234, the username followed by some numbers, and lots 
> of others.
>    of course, if the provided password is not correct, dovecot denies access 
> as it should .... but in those situations, logs can get pretty filled with 
> login failed messages, specially on servers with lots of accounts. And, in 
> some cases, after lots of tries, the bot can found the correct 
> username/password combination.
>    i was thinking on something like ...
> 1) after N tries (lets say 10 for example) of wrong username/password 
> combinations, dovecot could start delaying the answers for wrong 
> authentications coming from that specific IP address or IP/username, thus 
> slowing down the brute-force attacks;
> 1.1) or even, after some M (lets say 20 for example) wrong username/password 
> combinations, dovecot could ban that IP address (or IP address/username 
> combination to avoid problem with big networks with NAT access) for XX 
> seconds/minutes, also slowing down the brute-force attack tries
> 1.2) this could probably be implemented using some in-memory internal 
> backend, so it would be absolutely independent on passdb schema and would 
> require no modifications on passdb schema.
>    the original message says about bot brute-force attacks, but we can be 
> facing REAL brute-force attacks against a specific account .... and i think 
> that some features to help mitigate those could indeed be interesting. And if 
> those features exists, they could surely help on those brute-force attacks 
> coming from dumb bots as well.
>    it wont solve the username=password specific case, but could help on real 
> or bot brute-force attacks.
>    what do you think on that Timo ?

Have a look at fail2ban, this is exactly what you need.
> -- 
>       Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
>       Leonardo Rodrigues
>       Solutti Tecnologia
>       http://www.solutti.com.br
>       Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
>       gertru...@solutti.com.br
>       My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

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