On Aug 5, 2010, at 10:16 AM, Timo Sirainen wrote:

> On Thu, 2010-08-05 at 10:12 -0400, Jonathan Siegle wrote:
>> Should this be doable with the current design? 
> Yes.
>> Is there a good reference to do this?
> doveadm and dsync are good examples. Or maybe you shouldn't write a
> separate C program, but a doveadm plugin instead (see e.g. doveadm_quota
> plugin). http://wiki2.dovecot.org/Design has some docs.

 The first goal is to open these mailboxes(mdbox/dbox) with alpine version 2 
and the mailboxes are on localhost.  So I will look at dsync. Both programs use 
master_service_* calls to start up something. Is that the design I should 

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