On 08/15/2010 02:24 PM, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> On 15.8.2010, at 7.54, Samuel Kvasnica wrote:
>> 12 subscribe "Trash/aaa/"
>> 12 NO Invalid mailbox name: Trash/aaa/   <=== non-existing child folder,
>> 13 unsubscribe "aaa/"
>> 13 NO Invalid mailbox name: aaa/ <=== non-existing child folder, ERROR
> Set:
> imap_client_workarounds = tb-extra-mailbox-sep
no, that does not help at all (and I'm using maildir, not mbox). The
problem is the LIST command for "aaa/*" lists not only the children of
"aaa" but also
the parent folder "aaa" itself which confuses the client which is trying
to move/resubcribe all children as well.
This got broken either with v2.0 or with my change to LAYOUT=fs.

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