On 8/15/2010 3:06 PM, Timo Sirainen wrote:
On 15.8.2010, at 22.46, Marc Perkel wrote:

passdb {
  driver = sql
  args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql-master.conf.ext
  master = yes
  pass = yes
I'm assuming that the masteruser and masterpass is passed to the master passdb 
and when doing so the variable %u is the master user.  I assume that %n and %d 
also represent the name and domain part of the master user.

What I need is to also be able to have variables for the loginuser passed to 
the master user query. Something like %lu, %ln, and %ld perhaps. That way with 
MySQL tricks I might be able to see if the master user is master for that 
particular login user. That way I can give domain owners or owners of multiple 
domains the ability to manage the email accounts within their scope of 

These are available in v2.0:


I guess they should be added to wiki..

Further testing shows  %{login_domain} returns an empty string.

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