Timo Sirainen wrote:
On Thu, 2010-08-19 at 13:19 +0300, Harry Lachanas wrote:

namespace public {
    separator = /
location = maildir:/home/Public-Folders-Mail/Public-RO:INDEX=~/Maildir/p1-idx:CONTROL=~/Maildir/p1-ctrl
    hidden = no
    subscriptions = no
    inbox = no

Looks correct..

The problem occurs after a user has subscribed to The Folder

dovecot complaints about ...

dovecot: IMAP(grharry): open(/home/grharry/Maildir/p1-idx/.production/dovecot.index.log) failed: Permission denied (euid=1004(grharry) egid=1000(vmail) missing +x perm: /home/grharry/Maildir/p1-idx/.production)

After changing manually the perm in the above dir +x all works fine.

What were the permissions before? What are the permissions
of /home/Public-Folders-Mail/Public-RO/.production?
Kitos timo,



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